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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud

Post  TRU Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:46 pm

The following accounts took place on the 7th of Lamashan (and the days that followed)

Just before dawn out in the town square of Sandpoint a certain green haired gnome sent a friendly jab into the ribs of the boar sleeping less than peacefully behind her. This gnome, as you have noted from before goes by the name Zerye and the boar is Jarrow. Zerye and Jarrow are about to greet the sun once more in the small town of Sandpoint. They have recently gotten safely back from a trip of marvelous goblin slaying at Thistletop and now Zerye was happy to be someplace that was "different".

The duo looked well rested. Seems the last day or so at Thistletop had worn Zerye but she felt like she could have done more. She had all the strength of The Mother behind her but sometimes it just didn't seem to be enough.

As she finished her morning entreaty to The Mother Zerye couldn't help noticing how tired Jarrow looked. That poor boar had been through enough stress lately. Maybe it was time to let her go back to freedom. As their eyes met Zerye felt satisfied that what she had taught Jarrow in their time together had made her a better, stronger boar.

"Dunna fahget meh, ya stoobun peg!" Zerye said with a grin, slapping the boar on her bristly rear. Jarrow grunted in reply, staring expectantly at her master. The gnome simply nodded but Jarrow didn't have to be told twice. With a squeal she ran a circle around Zerye and then headed for the nearest wood.

Zerye let the ocean breezes fill her nostrils as she walked from her favorite prayer spot back into town again. If you watched her closely you might see her pull a piece of bark out of her pocket and begin to scrawl a message on it.

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:47 am

Nuari rarely tranced anymore... The continual barrage of unpleasant memories was overwhelming. So unlike most Elves, Nuari Stormcloud slept. At least dreams weren't real.

Unfortunately, some nights even sleep was difficult and rest came fitful at best. Yesterday had been bad. Nearly as bad as they come. He had fed his dark side more than he ever had before. Poured forth all his rage and all his hate into a burning inferno and directed it all at a living person.


Evil, yes... but living.

The nightmares had him tossing and turning most the night and despite the unusually warm night, he felt very cold inside. He had done something wrong, he knew that... and the gods had sought to punish him. The monster in the locked room... had nearly killed him. The others hadn't said anything, but he could see it their eyes. He was nearly killed that time.

Worse... the shadows. He may not have the experience or knowledge as others... but he knew what had happened when you were killed by the undead. You become one... Each touch had robbed him of his strength to the point that he could barely move under the weight of his own clothes... To an elf, the idea of becoming undead... that was nearly the worst thing that could happen!

What became of the brightness then? The eternal hopes that all elves shared that when they were reborn, they would become an elf again? That they wouldn't have to live life as some lower creature before attaining elfhood again... What happened with the undead? Would his soul have moved on to try again... or would it too be trapped in that shadowy form for all eternity? When destroyed, do shadows move toward the brightness.... or were they just obliterated?

Not that he was much of an elf. Stealing peoples thoughts and robbing them of their will should have horrified and disgusted him. However he found it easier and easier to do... It seemed so... natural. And of course the sleep...

A poor nights sleep that was interrupted by incessant chirping. He tried to bury his head under a pillow, but it didn't help. Sighing profoundly he poked his head out and looked towards the disturbance.

A small green and brown bird sat on the edge of his bed. Sparrow? His uncle would know. Sadly Nuari hadn't cared enough to learn. Grumbling he threw a pillow at it, but missed utterly resulting in a torrent of angry chirping and he knew he had lost.

"FINE!!!" He said lifting the unnaturally heavy blankets and swinging his feet out of the bed. "I'm up... Can't you find your way out or something..."

He stopped as he saw a small piece of bark at the end of his bed and the bird twisted it's head comically in the way birds do.

Curious now, he picked up the hand written note and cringed. 'Meeet Z ootsid fora heel' "Gods..." he muttered. "She writes the same as she speaks..."

He may not know about birds... but he was rather proud of his linguistic abilities... Fluent in many languages from the more common elven and Sylvan... to the obscure like Goblin... even the down-right rare like Celestial and Abyssal. The gnome however was difficult to understand on a good day.

"Heel?" he wondered aloud. "Does she mean 'heal' or possibly 'walk?" With gnomes it was tough to tell... they had a reputation for taking common words and reworking their meaning... for all he knew she may mean 'breakfast.' Quickly he got dressed and headed downstairs. Still weak from the shadow's draining attacks he hoped it was in reference to that...
Colin Marcus
Colin Marcus

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:00 am

The green haired gnome was sitting in the dirt outside the inn when the elf found her. He had deep circles under his eyes and he still seemed quite fatigued. Tha'twoon looks warehs th' nahrmal... Zerye thought to herself. Like a flash the worry crossed her face then was gone. Ah 'an fehx tha!

"Ehhhh, good morning," Zerye heard the elf say. "I take it the bird was yours...?"

Neither nod nor smile did Zerye offer in response to Nuariā€™s pleasantries. Nor was there a response to his comment about the bird. Instead, from where she was sitting Zerye shot Nuari a look that would wither a pine tree (though truth be told, his guess about the bird was much closer to the reality than he originally thought).

"Wehrre 'as Tha baeen?" Zerye said sternly. "Noorry? Tha'tbehin' yooer nahme 'as rooight twehsted meh toongue! Doon'cheh 'ave ah nahme tha beh sehmpla?

"Ahnd wha'took Tha sooweh loong? T' soon's behn oop wehlw t' moornin'. Tehs doowen ah fooehl's deh o' wahk nehrly..."

With an exasperated sigh Zerye held out her hand to Nuari.

"Coomeh oova haehr 'n leh' oos seeh t' yoo."

Last edited by TRU on Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:19 am

The elf sighed as his mouth tightened. Nothing quite like waking up to an early morning berating... Still it appeared she was in the 'healing' mood so he may as well shut up and take it...

"I didn't realize we had an appointment..." He said diplomatically. "If I had, I'd have been out earlier. As it was, I'm still a bit under the weather from yesterday's 'adventure'... and was enjoying a peaceful rest..." Sometimes the lies came easier than others.

The name gave him pause. "Nuari gives you trouble?!?" That struck him peculiar... It was about as short as he'd heard... and that coming from a 'Zeyre'... Elves rarely EVER used a 'Z'... "I... Don't know what to say about that... I've been called Stormcloud in the past, but that's even longer..."

Honestly he wasn't sure WHAT name he could give her that wouldn't get mangled by that accent....
Colin Marcus
Colin Marcus

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:31 pm

Zerye cocked her head as she seemed to take note of the fact that Nuari's words did not match the look on his face. Her expression showed what some have called ā€œthe wheels of thought in motionā€. Perhaps she had chosen the wrong words in greeting the elf just now. She remembered that the others' greetings had been more calm then hers, even a little pleasant. She might need to change her approach if she wanted him to listen to her for any length of time.

"Stoorumclohd." Zerye brightened at the way this new name for the elf rolled off her tongue. "Ah, t'at'll doo."

She stood up and reached for Nuari's hand, her head bearly reaching above his waist. With a gentle tug she pulled him over to a barrel and motioned for him to sit down. Zerye then placed Nuari's left hand on his knee, palm facing upwards. Placing the palm of her right hand in his palm and her left hand on his forearm she began to do her work. Muttering a few words softly to herself she felt the magic surge through her. After a few minutes Zerye let out a sigh and looked up at Nuari.

"Ahre Tha fehlin' beh'er?" the gnome asked as she let go of his arm and placed his left palm down on his knee.


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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:45 pm

The chill of the grave seemed to roll off of him as if he'd been standing in a warm summer rain. Strength returned to his arms and his dour look turned upwards into a grin. Opening and closing his fists he felt warm again...

"Yes... Yes I do. You have my thanks Zerye."

He suspected she'd wander away now. The green-haired gnome wasn't known for her sociable attitude. She seemed more inclined to associate with nature than those that made it up. Desptie the previous setbacks, he tried again. The 'Heroes of Sandpoint' after all should know each other better than they did... He couldn't help but fell that their success' had been more from luck than skill... After yesterday... he knew he'd been lucky....

"So, how does the day find you this morning? Any plans for yourself and Jarrow?" That was when he noticed the pig wasn't around... He couldn't remember the last time he saw them seperated... Even at the tables he... she... it, was there.

"Where is the pig anyway?"
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:47 pm

"Jahrrohw wull 'ave pluns oov' 'er owehn." stated the gnome with just a hint of affection. Zerye peered between the houses and shops as if to catch a glimpse of the boar frolicking on the outskirts of town.

"Mooy tehchin' wi' 'er beh oova. Tooime 'as coome t' fahnd a neew pewpull, and yoo'reh coomin' wi' meh!" The gnome turned back around the look at Nuari, letting her intense brown eyes arrest his attention. Her features softened a bit, one might even dare to say sheepishly.

"Tha' 'tis t' say, iffen yoo're nown't beh ahppoosed t' th' ehdehya, Stoorumclohd..."

Last edited by TRU on Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:02 pm

"Really?!?" Nuari's eyes lit up at the mention of Jarrow's departure. Embarrassed he quickly covered up his enthusiasm. Raised by a ranger, he understood all too well the bond between Ranger and animal companion. However he just couldn't help himself... He really didn't like the pig.

Maybe it was the fact that it kept attacking them... It nearly caused his own death yesterday... Maybe it was the fact it kept hogging (no pun intended) all the healing potions...

If he was honest with himself... it was probably because Zerye had given it the first place ribbon indicating to all who saw it that the pig was a better swimmer than Nuari himself.

Though that would just be petty....

"I'm umm... sorry to see him go... You two .. umm.. Seemed close." He mumbled through the lie with some difficulty. "I'll certainly accompany you if you wish it... What animal do you think you'll get this time? Another boar?"
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:05 pm

Zerye laughed. She seemed to think the elf's embarrassment quite humorous. One could not miss the knowing glint in her eye as she worked to regain her composure.

"Beh fehr!" she chided, still giggling. "Tha di'na lahke t' booah nowa moore thahn weh lahke gobwiankehn!" Zerye burst into laughter again.

"Jahrrohw twoos nahw't goohd fo' yoora 'ehalth." The gnome stopped laughing very suddenly. "Sheh umoost kehlled yoo once," she said soberly. "Ahn' th' woohldn't dooweh."

Zerye quietly looked up at Nuari and studied his face. It was as if she was seeing him for the first time.

"Ahye, Stoorumclohd, Ah beh nehding Tha t' coome wehth meh. Weh behn lehvin' soowehn. Dunna knohws 'ahw looweng eht'll tahke. Dunna knohws wha' weh'll fehnd..." She grinned mischievously up at Nuari, her fingers wriggling with anticipation. "Boot Ah'm wehll rehady t' beh ooff, ah' yoo?"

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari

Post  Colin Marcus Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:57 pm

Nuari's pale skin took on a deep blush. "I wouldn't say I felt the same about him as you do goblins... I wasn't a fan... but you... you REALLY Hate goblins! I just... didn't care for the pig...." Realizing he was fighting a losing battle he quickly changed the subject.

"Where are we going?" He hadn't exactly planned on going anywhere today. He'd hoped to get a turn with that journal that Morelon had found. There were things about Nualia that he was curious about... but due to his own recklessness could never ask her.

"How long are you thinking?" He sighed as he rephrased the question. "Are you thinking hours... or days? Do I need supplies... should we tell the others??"

Something she said struck him suddenly. "Wait a minute...." he looked at her curiously. "Are you saying you sent your friend away, because I didn't like him??"
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:56 pm

The gnome threw back her head and laughed again. This was the best mood she had been in since she came to Sandpoint. Still smirking she looked at Nuari saying incredulously, "Nohw, whey woohld Ah goweh 'n' doweh tha'? Ah' Tha soowe fooll o' Th'self?

"Nowa. Ahs Ah sehd, Jahrrohw dun beh tohght ohll Ah knohw. Tha's whey Ah seh' 'er freeh."

Zerye smiled with satisfaction at something on her mind. There was a moments pause as the gnome got lost in her own little world.

"Ohwa," Zerye let out a sigh as refocused on the world around her. "Dehys, mehybeh toh, mehybeh sehx... nehrly ohnly toh, oha threh.

"Doh Tha thehnk t' oothahs woont t' knohw?"

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari

Post  Colin Marcus Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:52 pm

He couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. Who knows... Perhaps a leisurely trip into the woods (for where else would the druid be planning...) would do him some good. A few days without bloodshed would be wonderful. It wouldn't hurt to be shed of the responsibility of a 'Hero of Sandpoint' too. At least for a little bit.

"Well... if we just disappear after everything that happened yesterday... They'll probably assume we aren't coming back. I'm sure they have plans of their own... but we should at least leave word we didn't get scared and run away... "

A note with Garridan would explain what had happened... that was easy enough to explain. Supplies were a bit more troublesome. He should probably bring his bow.. food... Tough to plan without knowing what the purpose of the trip was...

"I'll leave a note with owner here... grab some stuff... but I'm pretty much ready when you are... Seriously? No hints on where we're going?"
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:20 am

The gnome face was full of childlike glee. She twirled gracefully on one foot and landed in a sweeping bow to her friend Nuari.

"A hehnt, did Tha sehy?" Zerye called out after the elf as he retreated back into the building. "Whahre ehlse woohld Tha fahnd th' ahnimehls? Th' foorehst, Stoorumclohd! T' th' foorehst!"

When Nuari came back out he found Zerye waiting for him with an assortment of knives and daggers strapped to her chest and quarter-staff in hand. She beckoned for him to follow her out of town toward the northeast. They walked in silence until they reached the edge of the wood just outside of town. Zerye reached up to tug on Nuari's hand, stopping him from going further. She placed her finger on her lips, motioning for the elf to be quiet, then she closed her eyes, whispered a few words and gave Nuari's hand a little squeeze.

"There is a very sacred rule a druid and her companion must follow before entering the woods, Stormcloud." Zerye spoke soberly, her words ringing as clear as common in Nuari's ears.

"For the Mother's blessing on our journey into this forest we must take ten steps forward on our toes, bowed down with our faces toward the forest floor." Zerye's tone and demeanor were serious. Her face was turned towards Nuari's to see if he understood her.

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:37 pm

The elf's eyes bulged out as every word she spoke sounded clearly in his ears. Yet the words she spoke STILL didn't make any sense. Nuari stared at her suspiciously. He hadn't quite gotten a firm grasp on the gnomish sense of humor.... but this 'felt' like joke. "I see you're accent gets weaker the closer you get to the woods.... I... umm... Are you serious??"

Seeing the somber stare in return, he just shrugged. Ridiculous or not, it wouldn't cause any harm to look foolish for a few minutes. At least in this case he was doing intentionally, he thought with a grin. It's the times you don't intend to do it that really were the problem.

Sighing, he followed her instructions perfectly, his natural elven grace easily a match for the awkward movements. At the end of the ten steps with his face still down he asked with a chuckle, "Anything else, O loquacious one?"
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:21 pm

It would be amazing to anyone who had observed Zerye for any period of time to note that a single person had the capability to hold the gnome's interest for so long. The elf she called Stormcloud seemed to have greatly intrigued Zerye for she pursued more interaction with him over the course of an hour then she had with any other human, elf, or otherwise, since she had entered Sandpoint.

As soon as Nuari turned his back on Zerye to perform her instructions right to the very last letter, the gnome started to laugh silently. You could see that she was trying to hold it back as if to keep the elf from catching on to her little joke. When the elf completed his ridiculous task Zerye's serious composure returned but only for a moment. Hardly able to contain her glee, Zerye bounded in after her companion and with a less than graceful jump she landed on his back.

"Now you must run," Zerye spoke with mock authority between the giggles that erupted from inside. "Run for the next fifty yards, like a gazelle," Zerye giggled as she clambered up to sit on the elf's shoulders, urging him to go by the wiggle of her legs, just like a child.

"And as you go, you must carry me, or else I'll be left behind..."

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:21 pm

The elf grunted as the diminutive gnome pounced on him. He laughed loudly at her demand all while shaking his head. "Now I know THAT's not true... If 'the mother' required gazelle running.... I don't think you'd want to be carried!"

Zerye bent her head over so that she could see Nuari's face. "Stormcloud, I am glad that you laugh. You've been wound up tighter than a rhododendron's leaves in winter, I was beginning to wonder... And yet, you passed."

The gnome adjusted herself to get a better look at Nuari and nearly lost her balance altogether. "But how is it that when I ask the Mother for you to speak gnome with me that you can still say words I do not understand?"

"Passed?! " Nuari's slender eyebrow raised in confusion. "What do you mean 'I Passed?' What did I pass??

"And what do you mean, I'm speaking gnome??"
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:46 pm

"My test, of course. What did you think I meant?" Zerye settled herself down on Nuari's shoulders, once again wiggling her feet in impatience. It seemed that she was set on having the elf carry her, ritual or not.

"Come on, Stormcloud! Let us keep moving. I don't want to waste our time with nature. We must go deeper in so that I may find my new student!"

Zerye's excitement was undeniable. The only thing that rivaled her joy in setting off on this adventure was the thrill she got out of killing the 'gobwinkehn'. For a moment it seemed that Zerye had forgotten Nuari's second question in her anticipation of the hunt but this was not true. Only after a short but awkward silence did Zerye realize that her friend was still waiting for an answer.

"Yes, my friend, you are speaking gnome. How else can you explain the fact that you understand my words so well? I asked the Mother to make it so you understood me. I know I don't speak common well, so I thought that if you spoke gnome it would make this trip a little easier... on the both of us."

Zerye let out a small giggle. "Surely you didn't think that what you said earlier, about my words coming clearer the closer we got to the wood, surely you didn't think that was true?" The gnome laughed again lifting her face to the sky.

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:52 am

Well.... " Nuari said with a lopsided grin. "Not really. Though with you, who knows... From my point of view your speaking common without any accent at all."

He started to walk deeper into the woods, but not quite leaping like a gazelle. "To be honest, I wouldn't have been surprised to learn the accent was an act... something to keep everyone from talking to you much. Druids are known to be a bit antisocial... and you don't seem fond of conversation yourself..."
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:45 am

A look of confusion crept over Zerye's face.

"Why would someone act like they can't speak to other people when they can? This does not make any sense, Stormcloud." Zerye shook her head as if she was unable to understand why a person would even want to do such a thing.

"As for my silence, often I do not find there to be anything of interest to say.

"I do find you quite interesting, Stormcloud. What you did at Thistletop only added to my proof that you are stronger then you let on. Why don't you use this power, Stormcloud? You could do so much, help so many!"

Zerye absentmindedly twisted a few strands of Nuari's hair with her fingers as she said this. Her voice had no hint of condemnation when she confronted him about his power. This time it sounded more like she was pleading with him in hopes that he might see himself through her eyes.

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:01 pm

And suddenly the day wasn't fun anymore...

The gnome could feel his shoulder's bunch under her and muscles stiffen at the mention of his display yesterday. He had tried to hide his powers from the others. So they would think he was a 'hero' too... but he had failed that goal almost as soon as he'd set it. Though the gnomes hadn't said much, it was obvious that they knew... After the inferno yesterday he was afraid of what their reaction would be. He'd spent so much time near death, that the subject hadn't been broached. Until now...

"You... weren't meant to see that." He said sadly. "In fact, it shouldn't have happened. At all! That... woman made me so... angry..."

He could feel his heart race as he thought of the woman who sought out demonic influences. He closed his darkening eyes and took a few calming breaths. "I'm sorry... I lost control."
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:53 pm

Zerye gently laid her hands on Nuari's shoulders as though she was trying to sooth out the tension. Her face still wore the look of confusion, only now it was mixed heavily with concern. She paused to reflect on the elf's words and it was as if her mind raced, trying to find something to say. Finally, gently placing a hand on top of Nuari's head, Zerye spoke.

"You don't have to apologize to me, Stormcloud. I was not hurt by your actions nor was I upset by what you did." Zerye's words were soft and slow as she tried to restore a sense of calm in Nuari. "Why do you let so much fear entangle you like poison ivy?"

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:52 am

"Because.... I know what could happen." he whispered softly. Zerye didn't understand. Nor did he think he could make her understand. They were very different people with little in common.

"Zerye..." he asked changing the subject. "Where does your powers come from? You mention your mother... Did she teach you to do the things you can do?"
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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:11 am

It seemed that the gnome took no notice of Nuari's deliberate subject change. Whether she wanted to pursue the matter further or not, the elf's question had done it's trick. Zerye's line of thought was sufficiently diverted. She made the transition smoothly as though she had come to a fork in the road and had merely chosen the left instead of the predetermined right.

"My powers did not come from my mother," Zerye smiled knowingly as she shook her head in reply. "She may have been a right fair lady but I did not know her. The day I was weened I was taken to Shath, the lady of the Sanos forest. I was to learn from her the ways of the druid that I may carry on her mantle when she is gone. And such is what I did.

"The lady Shath taught me that all power, or magic, as you yoongtehns call it, comes from the Mother who gave birth to this world and gives life to all that are in it. To some She gives the power at birth and they have and need not ask. To others She requires prayers and requests to be made and She grants power as she sees fit.

"Every new sunrise finds me on my face entreating the Mother to grant me the power to do what things I desire, that I may better find pleasure in her world as well as making it more pleasing to the others living in it. I understand that the power She has given me must be used toward her will or else She will grant it no more. This is a fearsome thing for my mind, nearly as burdensome as the fear of the bleaching."

Zerye fell silent for a moment, her body rigid with emotion. She exhaled swiftly, as if to dismiss the thought, and continued on in a lighter tone.

"Since I was old enough to remember, every day of my life devoted to the Mother has brought new and wondrous things to my attention. Her creations are so multitudious and complex that even in my years I have not begun to understand them all. I have oft watched the wind dance among the leaves for hours astounded by its ever changingness. She has many moods that come and go faster than the thoughts that fill my head. I long to speak to her, to know her voice and understand her intent but such things may take me years.

"And I have seen such things that seem impossible to behold. Stormcloud, have you ever watched an ant do a days work. Their bodies are fine and delicate and yet their strength should belong to one at least three times their size. Nothing can distract them from their work, and their home has the inter-workings of a small city."

Zerye went on and on like this for hours, filling Nuari's head with story upon story of the wonders of her beloved Mother's creations. Some of her tales bordered on the gruesome and strange while others were down right silly. Sometimes her anecdotes finished abruptly as she was prone to suddenly stop, clamber off Nuari's shoulders, and motion for the elf to be quiet that she might put her ear to the ground or a tree--listening. Other times the things that she said were far from what some might call a story, but merely illogical observations of phenomenons beyond her comprehension.

All this while, Zerye led Nuari deeper and deeper into the forest. It was well into the afternoon when one such story turned into an interruption that led them on a silent hunt for whatever it was that had distracted the gnome. Crawling on her hands and knees Zerye led Nuari around tree and bush, going in what seemed like circles to the elf. After several minutes of this Zerye stopped and pointed to a spot of soft light just beyond the trees ahead of them.

"There it is," she said in a hushed whisper. The gnome stood up, grabbed Nuari's hand and pulled him along behind her to the spot of light she had found. It was a clearing, small and sheltered, where moss covered the forest floor and the trees surrounding it opened and let in the light of the afternoon sun.

Zerye plopped herself down on the spongy carpet. Sighing deeply she motioned for Nuari to join her.

"We will rest here, Stormcloud. No need to go any further today." The gnome fumbled with her belt for a moment, succeeding to produce a small bag. She opened it and handed a small handful of berries to Nuari. They were plump and ripe as if they had been freshly picked. Zerye reached into the bag again and fed herself a berry, chewing it slowly as she enjoyed every nuance of flavor.

"So," Zerye said after a while, her teeth stained with berry juice, "I have told you about myself. Now it is your turn." She looked up at Nuari expectantly.

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Nuari Stormcloud

Post  Colin Marcus Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:28 am

"Hmmm??" The elf asked questioningly as the gnomes changed the subject away from herself. How long had it been? "My story??"

He didn't really want to tell his story... Listening to the gnome ramble on, and on... and on... had stirred up feelings of envy. In the few short years of her life, she'd obviously done more than he had in his century, and been happier for it.

"I don't... I mean..." He sighed and leaned back looking toward the calmly floating clouds. It was strange talking to the druid. Unlike Morelon, they had little in common. With the Sorceress he could open up a bit believeing that she understood... They had common references... With Zeyre, he suspected that whatever he told her simply wouldn't matter. She seemed fascinated by his powers... and seemed intent to convince him to use them more...

That thought terrified him.

Though to be fair, he hadn't spoken to Morelon much since he'd burnt Nualia to a crisp. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced the thoughts of his friend Thomalain and the fire at the Rusted Shield. Would she still believe his power could be used for 'good?' Even if she had deserved to die... nothing about his actions yesterday screamed 'good.'

"I'm not really sure what to say... " He said weakly, stalling for time. "Like yourself... I never met my parents. I know 'of' my mother, but she died when I was born." He was silent for a moment and continued.

"I was raised by my Uncle Kadrethi. I think you'd like him... He's a ranger of some renown. Tried to teach me some of... this." he said waving his hand around to indicate nature at large. "But I didn't really have a head for it. Left home a few months ago, and now I'm here..."
Colin Marcus
Colin Marcus

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A Short Adventure with Zerye and Nuari Stormcloud Empty Zerye

Post  TRU Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:39 am

The gnome chewed on a root thoughtfully as she listened to Nuari fumble a reply. You could tell, if you watched, that Zerye tried to remain carefree in her attitude toward the elf. She had learned from before that showing her intense interest in Nuari only failed in bringing the results she wanted. It was time to try something new. But even as he spoke Zerye would steal glances at his face, her eyes searching to understand that which seemed so foreign to her.

Zerye sat silently beside the elf for a few minutes after he had finished speaking. She slowly inched herself backwards until Nuari's elbow hit her between the shoulder blades. With a sigh she leaned her head back on Nuari's arm.

"That was a good story," Zerye said with interest. "But I feel like your leaving parts out, Stromcloud."

Zerye turned to look up at the elf's face, her eyes full of questions, and maybe, just a hint of pain. "Why are you afraid of me, Nuari Stromcloud? Are you such a tempest that I should run and hide? Even the darkest clouds bring the rain that the plants need for growth. Could you do more damage than even the largest flood that purifies even as it devastates?"

The gnome stood up and fixed her eyes on her companion, no longer able to mask her intensity.

"Do you not want me to understand you?" she asked.

Zerye grabbed Nuari's hand and placed it over her heart while placed her own small hand on his chest. She stood like this for a moment, very still, and then she finally whispered.

"Your heart beats just like mine does, Stormcloud. And I have seen that your blood flows red just like mine does." She let go of his hand. "I may not understand your ways, yoongtehn, but I believe that you and I are not so dissimilar."

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Age : 38
Location : Lots of places! Gotta love the laptop.

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